
grandma lost so much weight from the last time i visited her. its nothing like how she was when we were in beijing. shes hardly walking now. not eating much. its pains me SO MUCH to see her suffer. i cant even do anything to relieve her pain but to watch her, helplessly. i didnt expect her condition to deteriorate at the rate it is right now.
im going to lose someone so dear to me.
im more than just depressed now. i cant seem to cope with it. im trying. but i fail each time i try. its not getting any better that ill be leaving for melbourne next week. it might be the last time ill get to see her. im feeling so lost so lost so lost so lost right now. im willing to give up anything to see her well again. nothing else really matters.
my greatest hope is to see her smile when i get back from melb.
will you wait for me?
really nice trademark...anyway..i suck at consoling people regarding this kinda matter..anyway...thats life..when there's life there's sickness...when there sickness ..there life...
she has her share of life..and now it only time to give it up 2 other generation...
o pee....*hugs*
Hi hi,
Ping here, if you know who am i. Hahaha~~
Well, well, There is nothing for us to do here. Wish i can give you some really good advise, but i dun think i can. but i know what you can do is to encourage her and talk to her whenever you are free. Hug her when you feel like doing so. Tell her that you really love her lots. Actions speaks louder den words. Do it before you think it is too late.
Lets all pray tht ur grandma will get better! Meanwhile u try to cheer up a little k... *hugz*
to all - thanks for all the comforting words.
ashley - its not all bright and sunny for me now. but still surviving. haven die yet. haha.
u didnt even give me ur contact no how am i supposed to ring u uh?
u ring me ok.
my mobile no: 0423308280
Where are u!?! y no updates? found lodging yet? miss u loadS!
miss u lah..anyway..I'll get the card on thur..so wait by ur fone!hahahaha..
deri deru - haven had the time to blog. there are way too many things that require my attention than my neglected blog lah. eh, but i still made a point to read ur blog despite being so so busy ok. so keep updating! will be waiting for ur call ...
Woohoo..u replied!lol...anyway..we were late again..the shop was closed again...tmr..I'll go buy..without them..lol..then i can "secretly" call u!I'll be going to the zoo with jon...i'll update u on the fone!so standby ahh...anyway..hope u're already beginning to settle down..u better!I'm exhausted...went to some it fair with jon...he's rooting for that hp lappie...ur 2nd choice!:) anyway...grip onto ur hp!:)
till i talk to u again!!...
psst: my blog ahh...dunno what to write..everyday it's about..imisspee,imisspee...lol!:)
hey! how are youuu? enjoying your 400bucks bed? and where's the updates!
neway, take care & missya!
gillian - hey, im barely even fine. well at least, still surviving. my bed has been quite enjoyable. but i tink it lacks something. hmm maybe a mistress? u can fill that in when ure here for ur winter vacation soon. ashley will be parked in the toilet. LOL. shhh dun tell her k. ;)
pee! found ur blog, but u r not bloggin! Ay I MISS U LAAA!! How r u doing there? lonely or not? ahhh everyone's away!!! Quick come back to vist us!
Dude, you seriously need to start writing. This is a god-dam BLOG afterall. Write, vent, spill, talk, complain, speak up, voice out or just say SOMETHING!
You cannot make it la.
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