being busy now is not a bad thing i realised. at least it keeps me busy & puts me away (not entirely) from thinking stuff that compromises with my very much needed focus and drive now. being busy & to be bogged down with so many other (not very positive) issues truly suck a whole deal. even during the few hours of pathetic slp i can afford, my mind is still so active even though im so drained.ive finally concluded my last formal presentation today with 3 very impressive discussants guest starring. they had a long list of very impressive achievements to their name. we had the CEO of some investing company and angel capitalist, the CEO of Esplanade and the Director of deutsche bank. their constructive critics only reinforced how fcuking smart they are. 3 more weeks to the end of the semester & im really so sick of sch already.

the insights u gain from your peers, proff, research materials, credible discussants not only shape how u perceive, but it reinforces ur perceptions to a level of higher credibility. for instance, going through Psychology classes, u learn and understand humans more, what it means when people say or do something. Or even to refute something they hv said because u know for a fact that it can be attributed to some fundamental errors of human. it is interesting and it not only promotes self-awareness and objectivity, it also helps when u take all these concepts and proven studies out of classrooms and apply it to ur daily life. it conflicts and mind-fucks u when u meet people who are ignorant to such knowledge when ure in the process of negotiation.
u realise how people can be so self-serving without realising it for themselves in their daily speeches and actions. the redeeming factor is that, because ure aware of how people are prone to errors, u tend to be more forgiving and attribute errors to these divine revelations of human. the fuckup factor is that too much of forgiving fucks u up as a person & allow people to take u for granted. what does the bigger person get? ans:expanding blood vessels that finally burst one day. having said that, i second on the thought of majoring psych simply because ignorance is bliss, sometimes. the inability to form perceptions and 'judge' people helps in many aspects. denial is a gd strategy to be applied, not when it gets dysfunctional.
sch cannot be more stressing. but it can be fulfilling becoz u feel so empowered with knowledge and all, BUT the deal is that i seldom feel this way abt sch. haha. dammit. my mom recently mentioned how ive become less of a happy and optimistic person. which i agree totally. events that happpened last year had a huge impact, and assessment of integrity in people have generally declined. as u grow older, experience the fuckups things/pple that can go wrong in ur life, its only natural to take a more cynical and suspective outlook towards anything in general. my psyc proff reaffirmed what ive said too. haha. so i dun care if u disagree with me anot. ure in delusion if u do. haha.
i sooo need a getaway after my exams. supposed to go bkk but it has to be in a riot state now. wusuup with thaksin? wusup with burning of lee hsien loong and his wife (not literally tho)? as one may argue that it was a legitimate acquisition blah blah blah and may take into offence with the buring of our beloved merlion, sg govt should have anticipated this when they decided to takeover Shin Corp. it is after all their national asset and what obvious implications do we need to consider when the takeover reflects a foreign dominance? ans: full of angry & sugar high level of thais protesting lah. making demands that seem quite duh. u know sg govt will not give up Shin corp. their demands to retract the entire takeover make it seem like a zara shoe went wrong and demand for a refund. its not as simple as a char kway teow transaction lor.
"the sg govt definitely need to take classes on business, govt and society". a passing statement from my proff.
anyway, not that i really care much of the politics now. in the current state i am, i take the stand of a fatalist (rilek one korner attitude). i just need the riot to stop soon. i want my trip to proceed as planned.
ok, enough of crap.
i need to nap now.