
grandma lost so much weight from the last time i visited her. its nothing like how she was when we were in beijing. shes hardly walking now. not eating much. its pains me SO MUCH to see her suffer. i cant even do anything to relieve her pain but to watch her, helplessly. i didnt expect her condition to deteriorate at the rate it is right now.
im going to lose someone so dear to me.
im more than just depressed now. i cant seem to cope with it. im trying. but i fail each time i try. its not getting any better that ill be leaving for melbourne next week. it might be the last time ill get to see her. im feeling so lost so lost so lost so lost right now. im willing to give up anything to see her well again. nothing else really matters.
my greatest hope is to see her smile when i get back from melb.
will you wait for me?